Bihar Board Class 9 English Reader Solutions Chapter 2: Scaling Great Heights

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SubjectEnglish (Panorama), Reader
Chapter2. Scaling Great Heights
WriterSantosh Yadav
CategoryBihar Board Class 9 Solutions

Bihar Board Class 9 English Reader Solutions Chapter 2

Scaling Great Heights

Question 1.

1.) How can Santosh yadav inspire the girls as well as their parents in India?

From an early age Santosh Yadav had been brought up in an orthodox family. Due to prevailing customs she had to receive education from a local village school. At the age of 16 her parents wanted her to get married. Santosh had other plans and wanted to get married only after she was properly educated. She left home and enrolled herself in a school in Delhi. Initially, her parents had refused to pay for her education but after knowing that she would work part time to pay the fees they agreed. She passed her school and joined maharani college. Over there she saw the Aravalli hills, got interested and motivated to pursue mountain climbing. She went to Uttarkashi to learn mountaineering. At the age of 20 she was the youngest woman to climb Mount Everest. During her expedition she saved lives. She later joined an indo Nepalese women’s expedition to Mount Everest and scaled it for the second time. The Indian government presented her with the padmashri. Her indomitable spirit and quest to fulfill her dreams it’s truly inspiring and motivating for both young girls and their parents

Question 2.

2.) From where did Santosh take the inspiration of Mountaineering?

While at her time in a room in Kasturba hostel she watched the aravalli hills. She watched the villagers going up the hill and vanishing after a while. She soon decided to try it for herself and during her journey she met a few Mountaineers. These incidents molded her career as a Mountaineer.

Question 3.

3.) “ From the very beginning I was quite determined that if I chose the correct and rational path, the others around me had to change, not me”. State some changes made by Santosh yadav in her family custom.

Santosh’s parents belonged to an affluent family and could afford a good education for their girl child. However, due to prejudice and old customs, Santosh’s education wasn’t given priority. She was sent to a local village school. Another tradition in her family was to get girls married at an early age. Santosh was expected to get married at the age of 16. She challenged her family and it’s this and it’s discriminatory traditions and refused to marry without being properly educated. She left home for Delhi, completed her education from there and studied further at Maharani College in Jaipur. Later she pursued mountaineering and became the first woman to climb Mount Everest at 20 years old. She also climbed Mount Everest for the second time.

Question 4.

4.) Describe Santosh’s team spirit during the expedition to Mt. everest.

During her 1992 Mount Everest mission Santosh Yadav provided care to one of her fellow climbers, a Colonel who unfortunately passed away. She also managed to save another climber Mohan Singh by sharing oxygen with him .

Question 5.

5.) Briefly describe Santosh’s life from a local village school to Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of mountaineering.

Santosh began her life by getting educated at a local village school. Later on she moved away to Delhi to get better education against her parents will. She completed her education there and went to study at Maharani College in Jaipur. Her journey had just begun there as she grew keen about mountaineering. She traveled to Uttarkashi to learn mountaineering and became successful at the age of 20 she was the first youngest woman to climb Mount Everest at this age

If you are looking for Bihar Board Solutions for Class 9 English, then you have come to the right place. The solutions are prepared by our team of expert teachers who have vast experience in teaching English language. The solutions provided here will help the students to score well in their upcoming examinations. So, go ahead and make use of these solutions to ace your exams!

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