Bihar Board Class 10 English Reader Solutions Chapter 4: Quality

Hello Students and Teachers. Are you searching for the Solutions of Bihar Board Class 10 English Reader Chapter 4? If yes then you have come to the right place. On this page, we have presented you with the Solutions of English Panorama Reader Chapter 4: Quality.

SubjectEnglish (Panorama), Reader
Chapter4. Quality
AuthorJohn Galsworthy
CategoryBihar Board Class 10 Solutions

Bihar Board Class 10 English Solutions Chapter 4


Question 1. Who was Mr. Gessler? How did the author know him?

Answer: Mr. Gessler was a German shoemaker who had settled in London. The author knew him since his childhood because Mr. Gessler used to make boots for the author’s father.

Question 2. What was the author’s opinion about Mr. Gessler as a shoemaker?

Answer: The author considered Mr. Gessler an artist in his trade as a shoemaker. He had an artist’s skill, pride, and respect for his craft.

Question 3. The work style of Mr. Gessler was unique. Explain.

Answer: Mr. Gessler’s work style was unique because he only made boots on order, and his creations were mysterious and wonderful in shape, fit, finish, and quality of leather.

Question 4. Mr. Gessler was not successful in his trade. Why?

Answer: Despite his exceptional craftsmanship, Mr. Gessler was not successful in his trade because he did not believe in advertisements, offers, or shows to promote his products, unlike big firms.

Question 5. Big firms are selling their products and making hold on the market through advertisements, offers, and big shows. Low-scaled and skilled artists are being out of trade. How? Give your own opinion with reference to the lesson “Quality”.

Answer: In the story “Quality,” Mr. Gessler, a skilled shoemaker, struggles to sustain his trade because big firms attract customers through extensive advertising, offers, and grand displays. As a result, low-scale and skilled artists like Mr. Gessler, who rely solely on the quality of their work, are being pushed out of the trade. This highlights the challenges faced by individual artisans in the face of industrialization and mass production.

Question 6. Suppose you are one of the customers of Mr. Gessler’s shop. You know how Mr. Gessler struggles for the existence of the trade. What will you suggest to protect the trade from the onslaught of big firms?

Answer: If I were a customer of Mr. Gessler’s shop, witnessing his struggle against big firms, I would suggest promoting his exceptional craftsmanship through word-of-mouth and seeking support from like-minded individuals who value quality over quantity. Additionally, I would advise him to explore niche markets and potentially collaborate with other skilled artisans to create a unique selling proposition.

Question 7. The story of Mr. Gessler is the story of the struggle of an individual artist against industrialization that threatens to devour individual artists and tradesmen. Explain.

Answer: The story of Mr. Gessler represents the struggle of individual artists and tradesmen against the onslaught of industrialization and mass production. Despite his exceptional craftsmanship, Gessler’s refusal to adopt modern marketing strategies like advertisements and offers made it difficult for him to sustain his trade in the face of competition from big firms that relied on such tactics to attract customers. The story highlights the challenges faced by skilled individuals in preserving their art and trade in an increasingly industrialized world.

If you are looking for Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English, then you have come to the right place. The solutions are prepared by our team of expert teachers who have vast experience in teaching English language. The solutions provided here will help the students to score well in their upcoming examinations. So, go ahead and make use of these solutions to ace your exams!

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