Bihar Board Class 9 English Reader Solutions Chapter 8: BHARATHIPURA

Hello Students and Teachers. Are you searching for the Solutions of Bihar Board Class 9 English Reader Chapter 8? If yes then you have come to the right place. On this page, we have presented you with the Solutions of English Panorama Reader Chapter 8: BHARATHIPURA

SubjectEnglish (Panorama), Reader
WriterU.R. Anantha Murthy
CategoryBihar Board Class 9 Solutions

Bihar Board Class 9 English Reader Solutions Chapter 8


Q.1. Who was the reigning deity of village Bharathipura?
Lord Manjunath was the reigning deity of the village Bharathipura.

Q.2. Why did Jagannath want to take the untouchables into the temple of Bharathipura village?
Jagannath wanted to uplift the untouchables and change their oppressed status in society by allowing them to enter the village temple.

Q.3. Why were the pariahs afraid of touching the saligram?
The pariahs were afraid of touching the saligram stone as they feared punishment from the deity and the wrath of God.

Q.4. Why was touching the stone so important?
Touching the stone was crucial because it would allow the untouchables to enter the village temple, a privilege they had been denied for centuries.

Q.5. What did Jagannath say to the Pariahs to encourage them to touch the stone?
Jagannath encouraged the pariahs by saying that if they didn’t touch the stone this time, they would remain crushed in society forever, but taking this one step would change their lives for centuries.

Q.6. How did Jagannath encourage the Pariahs to touch the stone?
Jagannath encouraged the pariahs to touch the stone by saying it was an easy step that would transform their lives for centuries to come.

B. Let’s Discuss

Q.a. Discrimination on the basis of caste and creed should be discouraged.

Ans. Discrimination based on caste and creed is a harmful practice that should be strongly discouraged. Our country has witnessed centuries of subjugation and oppression due to such divisive practices. Discriminating against others based on their caste or creed is not only unjust but also goes against the fundamental principle of equality among all human beings. God has created us all without any distinctions, and in His eyes, we are all equal. Such discrimination hinders social progress and peace. We must remember the maxim “United we stand, divided we fall” and work towards creating a society free from such divisive practices.

Q.b. Age-old practices do not go easily.

Ans. It is indeed true that age-old practices and deeply ingrained beliefs are not easily discarded. In the story, we see this exemplified when the pariahs, despite Jagannath’s encouragement, initially hesitated to touch the saligram stone due to their long-held fear of divine punishment. The fear of God had been instilled in them for centuries, making it difficult to overcome their reluctance. We often observe similar phenomena in our daily lives, where people continue to follow certain practices or chant mantras without fully understanding their meaning, simply because it is an age-old tradition passed down through generations. Breaking free from such deeply rooted practices and beliefs is challenging, as they are deeply intertwined with our way of life and cultural identity.

If you are looking for Bihar Board Solutions for Class 9 English, then you have come to the right place. The solutions are prepared by our team of expert teachers who have vast experience in teaching English language. The solutions provided here will help the students to score well in their upcoming examinations. So, go ahead and make use of these solutions to ace your exams!

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